Thursday 16 July 2009

13 hour sleeps...

Make Alex a happy boy. Well I mean not exactly happy, my happiness is independent of the fact that I slept for so long. But they certainly are an improvement somehow. For one, the permanent bags I have under my eyes have actually gone away. They never go away, no joke. Except for when I used to visit my dad and I'd sleep to pass the time 'cause I was bored. Also I'm finding that it slightly alters how I think, thoughts come a little bit slower and better formed. It's only slight but it's nice, some relief from the usual whirling rush.

I'm gonna reiterate one of my first ever blogs. I think I have something really good in my life at the minute, and I probably don't even realise how good. But, I'm getting there. :)

Have you all seen the "BNP babes" thing? If not check it out, it's tragicomic. haha. But anyway one of them beautifully summarised the BNP's position, for me, on asylum seekers - "I wouldn't mind them if they actually worked and stopped stealing all our jobs". Beautiful, just beautiful. hehe.

I am veeery slowly improving at guitar. Frustratingly slowly. It's because I never practice. But sometimes I do pick it up and mess about for a bit, and well, every little helps, right molly? *laughs*

I'll end with a quote from the legendary Neil Gaiman. :)

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.

It's all happened. :)


  1. Yes Alex It Does!!!!! :P:L

    I'm Grinning and giggling *shesheshesheshe*

  2. Neil Gaiman is awesome.
    'Nuff said :)

  3. I looked up the BNP babes.
    I'm well joining up.
