Sunday 20 September 2009

New Poem! God why do I keep putting this crap on my blog, go read jess's or molly's. =p

Peter Pan has fucked off

Don’t, don’t disillusion me yet

The illusions are far too wonderful and wild

The adult world is beckoning me with problems unmet, just

Bury me in fiction, let me remain a child, just

Let me dream a day longer

Let me live for free

Let me indulge and love and fantasise, and

Ignore what I’m supposed to be

Take back your shackles of responsibility,

Turn back them hands of time

Take me back to an age when I

Was enthralled by sweets, and pantomime

Give me my long lost innocence

Make me naïve and pure

Growing up’s a subtle disease, I’m


Hey, hey man. Calm down. It’s all okay.

The big wide world is scary, yes

But trust me you’ll find your way

And it’s not all about dodging bullets

Or working to stay alive

The world can be a magical place

A place where you can thrive

A place where you can do your own thing, like

Start a career

Make friends

Join clubs

Snort cocaine

Have mid-life crises

Cook your favourite dinners

Go for long walks


Make art

Get paranoid

Discover new perspectives

Fall hopelessly in love

Fall hopelessly out of love

Realise that ultimately nothing matters and

Make endless cups of tea!

So you see

And I’m sure you’ll agree

Adult life is a diverse tapestry

Spose you’re right mate. Here goes then.

Here comes the world, with independence and depression,

With boredom - and ecstasy - and many chaotic storms,

I’m going from security - and domestic oppression,

To a world of freedom… and council tax forms.


  1. have fun with your tax's and coke (Y)
    imagen if ya got a line of coke with every tax form you did (Y)
